Dig it!
This weekend saw us join forces with Sheffield Wildlife Trust and their group of regular volunteers for a day out at Wimble Holme Hill to start work on the bridleway improvements.
The Wimble Holme Hill bridleway links Totley Moor with Blacka Moor and the improvement in the route will help to create a better connection between these moors.
Clearing mud off the track |
Over the coming weeks we will be working with a variety of groups on the Wimble Holme Hill improvements. Ride Sheffield mountain biking group are with us on a dig day this coming Sunday, the National Trust Longshaw volunteer group the ‘Mudlarks’ will be helping out for a day and a final day with the group from Sheffield Wildlife Trust will take place later on in the month.
A detailed plan of the improvement works can be seen on our website in the ‘what we do’ section.